Recently Fortnite announces its new monthly subscription pack for players called Fortnite Crew which will include the Battle Pass of the game and 1000 V-bucks to spend in-game shop. Fortnite Crew monthly subscription will cost only $11.99 (Approx $12) from a player and gives value for money by including the Battle Pass, 1000 V-bucks, and also an exclusive character skin and gear. This new monthly subscription is going to launch on December 2nd, the same day that the fifth season of chapter two is expected to launch.
As we said in the upper portion also the value for money but let us now discuss how? As all Fortnite player already knows but let me remind them once again about the current plan to buy V-bucks in the game. Previously in the game, if players have to buy Battle Pass then they have to spend 950 V-bucks which cost around $10 but lasts for several months.

And now if we talk about Fortnite crew which is more expensive than the previous one but also offers more items in the game including the enticement of exclusivity. Epic also confirms that the cosmetics will also be available as a part of the subscription service “will never be sold or given away to non-Crew members.”
Fortnite Crew Monthly Subscription
The first crew pack will be featured with the Galaxia Outfit and Style, as well as Cosmic Llamacorn Pickaxe and Fractured World Back Bling. The game developer stresses that the crew items will never be sold to any non-crew member. Players can cancel the subscription at any time but can keep the Battle pass V-bucks and other crew items they have when the subscription was active.
The game developers also warn players by saying that there is no guarantee of coming back of the crew items they miss while their subscription was inactive. And due to the fear of missing crew items players have to think twice while activating and deactivating the subscription.
In the current season of Fortnite, we get to see the introduction of Marvel characters and locations to the battle royale island. And now the current season is standing on its end with the game’s latest big live event, which will take place on December 1st at 4 PM ET. The next day, Chapter 2: Season 5 will begin.