In another world with my smartphone season 2 is one of the most awaited series for anime watchers, the series was first aired online in 2013 with the latest released volume in December 2019. The anime is based on the fantasy genre taken from a Japanese light novel written by Patora Fuyuhara with illustrations by Eiji Usatsuka. The other known name of the series is “Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni”.
The anime first season was released on July 11th, 2017 on the site Shōsetsuka ni Narō and the ongoing manga edition of the series was printed by Hobby Japan, after some time the series got an English licensed release and the anime got an English version too. Which makes the fans drive crazy for watching.
Table of Contents
Story line followed in the series
The story begins with a great start to brings excitement for the watchers. The story is based on a 15 years old boy named Touya which accidentally gets killed by God unknowingly with a thunderstorm. After the incident happened accidentally by God, God felt guilty and gave the boy new life to live in another world known as the land of magic.
God also asks Touya for one wish and the boy wished to carry his smartphone with him, God grants his wish, and not only this God also give him 7 magical powers; water, fire, dark, light, wind, null, and earth.
The original story gets started with Touya’s arrival to another world, the boy finds out about the magical power his smartphone posses to recharge itself with a very good internet connection which Touya used in another world. There he also surrounded by many cute and beautiful girls which creates several romantic moments during the show.
This is the storyline around which the whole anime series follows, Touya is the main lead character of the story. Later on, he becomes sovereign king of Brunhild Dukedom and king of spirits in the magical world with nine wives.

In another world with my smartphone season 2 Release date
Season 1 started airing on July 11th in 2017. The studio that brought it to life was Production Reed. Funimation gave us the English dub. Honestly, till now, there is no confirmation by the author or production reed for the In another world with my smartphone season 2 release date. According to the rumors and news, we can assume that the next season may come to be premiered in mid-2022.
The production company gave a manifestation that they are interested in continuing the series with another season. The anime watchers must wait for the official announcement of season 2. On a note, season 1 has premiered on July 11th in the year of 2017, in season 1 it has ended with a point that season 2 will be released, which we can take as an indication that the series “In another world with my smartphone” will be started shortly as it has been 3 years since the season 1 got released.

Story Line for Season 2
As per the conclusion of season 1 which has 12 long episodes, many years ago 9 humanoid female robots were created by professor Regina Babylon and those 9 female humanoids were paired up with the main leading character Touya. According to the fans, we can conclude that these 9 female humanoids will be the 9 wives of Touya in season 2 of In another world with my smartphone.
The main plot for season 2 is evolved around the new main villain character named Fraze which will introduce in the next season. The Fraze is the one who is going to defend the 9 Female humanoids from the boy. Hence, a battle could be started with a sumptuous outcome that will be an exciting season for all anime lovers.